24 October 2006

A belated introduction

Well, now that I've gotten this blog started and actually put its address in my signatures in knitting list posts, maybe I should say a little about what this site is supposed to be about.

I hope to use this blog to put out some of my thoughts about knitting for public discussion. Or, if I don't have much of a regular audience, that's fine too. Maybe someone searching for a particular knitting topic one day might find a useful tidbit of information archived here.

I also intend to use this space to assemble some pictures of my finished projects in order to keep some records for myself. I can only dream that my projects might inspire anyone as my favorite knitting galleries on the web have inspired me over the years, but if they did, I would be thrilled.

Please feel free to say hi and let me know your thoughts!

By the way, I promise I'll get into some topics other than "doily math" soon! :-) I'm currently working on information on reading German lace knitting patterns, and Erich Engeln patterns in particular. I think it's a pity that Engeln patterns don't seem to be knitted often when the leaflets are still in print and not that hard to obtain, and they are really pretty clear (much easier to read than the Christine Duchrow reprints, I think, although I will get around to tackling those someday too).


Unknown said...

Wow! The lace and the doilies are amazing!

Anonymous said...

And here's a very belated comment. I stumbled on your blog by sheer coincidence (if you believe in that sort of thing). Thank you so much - I think this is going to be very helpful. I have collected several Erich Engeln pattern brochures and never dared to try knitting them. I'm not very used to knitting from charts, so they were always very daunting. I've done a little chart knitting now and maybe -- with your help -- I can do them now!
Thanks again,